Parking |
Due to limited parking on site, please carpool whenever possible especially on Sundays. |
Additional parking may be available at the John Robert Lewis Elementary School. Entrance is off of Skyland Drive. If any of our Vajrasattva practitioners can park off-site, it would be greatly appreciated. If you find you have to park in the neighboring streets, avoid getting ticketed or towed by: |
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NOT blocking the neighbor’s driveway and leave sufficient room from the driveway for the owners to get in and out of their driveways. |
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NOT parking on both sides of the street so emergency vehicles can get through. If you park on nearby S. Bamby Lane or Carlton Place, please park on the one side of the street only. |
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Park where you are legally able to park. Check for no parking signs. |
This will help keep our neighbors from calling the police and getting your car ticketed or towed. |
Thank you for helping us keep our friendly neighbors FRIENDLY! |
Also remember to always lock your car and do NOT leave any valuables in the car or in sight that may attract break-ins to your car wherever you park. |