Drepung Loseling - Spiritual Development Program
January - 2025 Calendar

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January - 2025 Highlights

Tuesday January 07
In-Person & Vimeo

Public Talk "Opening the Heart: Arousing the Mind of Universal Kindness" by Geshe Ngawang Phende

7:00 pm

The eighth century Indian master Shantideva said, “The mind of universal kindness is like the magical elixir that turns base metals into gold. It transforms an ordinary person into one on the path of growth and happiness.” Love and kindness are mental archetypes that all beings possess. The more we strengthen them, the more beneficial we become too thers and ourselves. Buddhism presents numerous contemplative techniques for intensifying and enhancing these archetypes, until they achieve full maturity and universality.

Saturday January 11

Foundation Series • Part 1 - Introduction to Buddhism
with Geshe Ngawang Phende

10:00 am - 4:00 pm This five-part series, taught by with Geshe Ngawang Phende, introduces the essential elements of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, theory and practice. These teachings provide a basis for individual and group practice at the center and serve as a prerequisite for more advanced retreats.
  FEE: $75 per class ($65 for DLM members) Full Series: $325 ($275 for DLM members). Registration Deadline is four days before the event. Register here.

Tuesday January 14
In-Person & Vimeo

Public Talk "The Path to Happiness"  
by Geshe Ngawang Phende

7:00 pm

When the mind overcome by negative emotions, it is disturbed and unhappy. When the mind is tamed and under our control, it is peaceful and happy. As long as the mind remains untamed, no matter how wonderful our external, material circumstances may be, we cannot find genuine happiness. The path to happiness therefore lies in taming the mind.

Tuesday January 21
In-Person & Vimeo

Public Talk "How to Cultivate a Calm and Peaceful Mind"  
by Geshe Ngawang Phende

7:00 pm

All happiness and suffering have their basis in the mind. Therefore, if we learn how to cultivate our minds effectively, we learn how to cultivate peace and happiness in our lives. In this talk, we will look at techniques for cultivating calm, happy and peaceful minds.

Tuesday January 28
In-Person & Vimeo

Public Talk "How to Live a Meaningful Life"  
by Geshe Ngawang Phende

7:00 pm

Since we are human beings, we not only have this wonderful human brain and human intelligence, but also many other conditions that allow us to live meaningful lives. If we do not live meaningfully, but choose only to pursue pleasure and other material benefits alone, then we are no better than animals. In this talk, we will discuss how to live meaningfully, using all the wonderful conditions that we have..

*All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.

Tuesday 6:00 PM Medicine Buddha Practice
In-Person & Vimeo
  7:00 PM Public Teaching & Meditation
In-Person & Vimeo
Wednesday 7:00 PM Evening Prayers - by the Drepung Loseling Monks
*In Person Only
Thursday 10:00 AM Protector Puja (Trinchol) - by the Drepung Loseling Monks
*In Person Only
Sunday 9:30 AM *Vajrasattva Practice In-Person or Via ZOOM
Empowerment required to participate.
To register for this practice, please email
Geshe Yeshe at: center@drepung.org
  11:00 AM - 12 noon First Sunday of every month:
Basics of Meditation In-Person & Vimeo
(instruction provided)
    All other Sundays:
Meditation - Led by DLM Resident Teachers
In-Person & Vimeo

1st Sundays
11:00 - 12:00 PM Basics of Meditation - Led by Geshe Lobsang Tenzin, Founder and Spiritual Director of Drepung Loseling Monastery Inc.
Note: check calendar for actual dates
In-Person & Vimeo
*unless otherwise noted