DLM - Spiritual Development Program
Drepung Loseling Monastery, Inc.
The Foundation Series
January 11 - May 10, 2025
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Taught by
Geshe Ngawang Phende
The Foundation Series will cover the foundational practices common to all three “yanas” or vehicles. It will begin with an “Introduction to Buddhism” and continue with retreats on four universal Buddhist meditation practices.
For students who have completed the Foundation Series, we have also created a five-part Intermediate Series, which will begin in 2025 with an “Introduction to Mahayana Buddhism” and then cover four essential Mahayana meditations.
As was the case with the original Foundation Series, these two series have been designed in consultation with Kyabje Rizong Rinpoche.
The Foundation Series will be offered by our resident teacher Geshe Ngawang Phende beginning on January 11, 2025 from 10 am - 4 pm.
Morning Session:
10:00 am - Noon • with breaks
  Lunch Break:
Noon - 2:00 pm
Afternoon Session:
2:00 - 4:00 pm with breaks and Q&A
January 11
  Introduction to Buddhism
February 8
  Shamatha Meditation:
  Alleviating Stress and Cultivating Inner Balance
March 8
  Vipashyana Meditation:
  Cultivating Personal Insight into Our Inner World of
Thoughts, Reactions, and Emotions
April 12
  The Four Immeasurables:
  Loving kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity
May 10
    Entering the Path of Inner Transformation

Payment and registration is four days before the event date.


$75 per class ($65 for DLM members)
Full Series: $325 ($275 for DLM members)

    Members who have completed the entire series in the past may repeat for FREE, but are still required to register.
A voluntary offering to the teacher is customary in the Buddhist tradition and may be given or sent directly to the teacher.
On-line via Zoom

  Geshe Ngawang Phende was born in Nepal in 1968. At the age of 12 he became a monk at Drubthob Rinpoche’s monastery in Nepal for two years where he received his initial monastic training. He joined Drepung Loseling Monastery, south India in 1982 at the age of 14, where he successfully completed his monastic education and passed Geshe Lharampa examination in 2001. He then attended Guymey Monastery for further Tantric studies and stayed there for a year. Geshe Ngawang was the resident teacher at the Lam Rim Tibetan Buddhist Center in Johannesburg, South Africa for almost four years. Twice he has been on the Mystical Arts of Tibet tour and now, currently is one of the resident teachers at DLM.

  Suggested Reading for the Foundation Series
  Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism
  Happiness by Matthieu Ricard
  Shamatha Meditation
  The Attention Revolution by Alan Wallace
  Vipashyana Meditation and the Four Applications of Mindfulness
  The Art of Living by William Hart
  Genuine Happiness by Alan Wallace
  The Four Immeasurables
  The Four Noble Truths by H.H. the Dalai Lama

Recording Policy:
No recordings, audio or visual, without express permission from Drepung Loseling Monastery.
Cancellation Policy:
One-day events: If you withdraw before the day of the event, we will refund your fees, minus a $20 administrative charge. You must speak with a member of the administrative staff by 6pm. Leaving a message will not alter your registration. There will be no other refunds.
If you do not attend a session it is counted as a withdrawal and there will be no refunds or exchanges.
*When purchasing a series for either the Foundation or the Intermediate classes note that the series advantage gives you a lower rate and purchasing classes individually gives you flexibility. When purchasing these series the first class will count toward the one day cancellation policy. After the first class has begun for the purchase of the series there will be no other refunds or exchanges.

Multiple-day events: If you withdraw before the start of the retreat, course, or event, we will refund your fees, minus a 10% administrative charge. If you withdraw after the first retreat or teaching session, we will refund 75% of the fees. After the start of the second session there will be no refunds.