Drepung Loseling Monastery, Inc.
DLM Dolls  
Buddhist Meditations for
Resilience and Compassion
by Ven. Thubten Chonyi
Saturday, April 29, 2023
9am - 5pm

In-Person at DLM Meditation Hall

For many, anxiety has become the daily norm. In 2023 we find ourselves in a not-quite- post-Covid world, plagued by war, a climate crisis, and political unrest. While we cannot change the outer world, we can change our minds, learning to use Buddha’s teachings to grow resilience and courageous compassion to make our lives more meaningful and better prepare us to help others.
Join Sravasti Abbey nuns Venerable Thubten Chonyi, supported by Venerable Thubten Rinchen, at Drepung Loseling Monastery for a day of teaching, meditation, and discussion. Together we’ll explore ways to strengthen our minds and open our hearts.
9 - 12 am
   12 - 1:30 pm
Lunch Break
   1:30 - 3 pm
  Small Group Discussion
   3 - 3:30 pm
   3:30 - 5 pm
Teaching, Meditation

Deadline: Registration & Payment by 5pm Friday, April 28, 2023


$35  (DLM Members: $25)

    *This program is partially sponsored by friends of the monastery to subsidize the registration fee
    A voluntary offering to the teachers is customary
in the Buddhist tradition
  In-Person at DLM Meditation Hall

  Ven. Thubten Chonyi began attending classes with Venerable Thubten Chodron at Dharma Friendship Foundation in Seattle in 1996 and has practiced steadily under Venerable’s guidance ever since. She was a founder of Friends of Sravasti Abbey, which formed in 2003 to support Ven. Chodron’s dream to start a monastery. She moved to the Abbey in 2007 and took sramanerika and siksamana precepts in May 2008.
At the Abbey, Ven. Chonyi is involved with publicity and inviting generosity. She also shares Buddha’s teachings at the Abbey, online, and, occasionally, at Buddhist centers in the US and abroad. She has co-taught meditation and Buddhist ideas at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane for 13 years, and especially enjoys interfaith exchange and bringing Buddhist values into social justice issues.
Ven. Chonyi’s formal education was in theatre at Wesleyan College in Macon, GA. She worked for many years as a performer, publicist, fundraiser, and producer in the performing arts. As a Reiki teacher and practitioner for 19 years, she co-founded two Reiki centers and the Reiki AIDS Project, and led classes and workshops in Europe and North America. She was communications director for the international The Reiki Alliance and served eight years as Managing Editor for Reiki Magazine International.

Recording Policy:
No recordings, audio or visual, without express permission from Drepung Loseling Monastery.
Cancellation Policy:
One-day events: If you withdraw before the day of the event, we will refund your fees, minus a $20 administrative charge. You must speak with a member of the administrative staff by 6pm. Leaving a message will not alter your registration. There will be no other refunds.
If you do not attend a session it is counted as a withdrawal and there will be no refunds or exchanges.
*When purchasing a series for either the Foundation or the Intermediate classes note that the series advantage gives you a lower rate and purchasing classes individually gives you flexibility. When purchasing these series the first class will count toward the one day cancellation policy. After the first class has begun for the purchase of the series there will be no other refunds or exchanges.

Multiple-day events: If you withdraw before the start of the retreat, course, or event, we will refund your fees, minus a 10% administrative charge. If you withdraw after the first retreat or teaching session, we will refund 75% of the fees. After the start of the second session there will be no refunds.


Drepung Loseling Monastery, Inc.
1781 Dresden Drive • Atlanta, GA 30319